Q: Who can join the photo competition?
A: Everyone! This contest is open to Cambodian nationals, ex-pats living in Cambodia, and visitors all over the globe! Professional photographers, hobbyists, and newbie photo enthusiasts are all welcome to join.
Q: What kind of camera should I use?
A: Any kind of camera - DSLR, mirrorless, point-and-shoot, or smartphone. Film and instant cameras (polaroid) are also OK, but please remember we will only accept digital submissions through Instagram. No hard copies or physical prints will be accepted.
Q: Do I need to appear in my photo submission?
A: You don't have to, but you can. The focus of the contest is Siem Reap, but if you or other people add to the spirit of the photo, then that's great! Please note, though, that we won't be giving extra points to photos that contain people in them -- unless, of course, you're entering the Portraits category.
Q: Can I edit my photo?
A: Yes, basic photo editing, such as touch-ups, adjustments, and cropping is allowed. However, extensive post-production edits in photoshop, cutting and pasting to create a new photo collage or application of style filters that deter from the photo being a photo may be disqualified. Using default filters found on Instagram or adjusting things like highlights, shadows, saturation, grain, etc., in programs like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop is generally acceptable
Q: Can I submit a video or cinemagraph?
A: No, this is a photo contest. ;)
Q: Can I submit a painting or drawing?
A: No* - this is a photo contest. As much as we love other artistic mediums, we are only considering photos this time.
* You may photograph an image with a painting in it such as in a museum or art gallery.
Q: May I use photos from a trip I took before 2023?
A: No, sorry, we are reserving this contest for photos taken this year. Our aim is to help show what Siem Reap looks like today. As much as we know there are great shots out there from different time periods, we want to highlight the current beauty and offerings of Siem Reap.
Q: Can I composite/collage several images together?
A: No, images should contain a single photo with the exception of multiple exposure photography done for stylistic reasons. Our aim is for each image to have a single, strong identity on its own.
Q: Can I submit studio photography?
A: No. We are looking for more natural photography and for the competition to be generally accessible. Most people will not have access to a studio. However, if you are doing something such as a portrait and want to “stage” that in your residence, hotel, on the street, other local location, etc. this is ok.
Q: What are the prizes?
A: Prizes will be “cash equivalents,” ranging from an approximate value of USD 100-1,000. This will likely take the form of a gift card or similar based on the winner's home country. We cannot provide cash directly due to Instagram rules and the difficulty of making international transfers. If you are selected for a prize, you will be contacted about what format to receive your prize. You may also elect to donate your prize to Cambodia Children’s Fund.
Prizes are as follows:
One (1) Grand Prize:
Approximately US$1,000 gift card or equivalent
Six (6) 1st Prize in Each Category:
Approximately $250 gift card or equivalent
Six (6) 2nd Prize in each Category:
Approximately $150 gift card or equivalent
Six (6) 3rd Prize in each Category:
Approximately $100 gift card or equivalent
Six (6) 4th-5th Prize in each Category:
Honorable mention only (no cash) and your photo will be printed and displayed in the “We Love Siem Reap” Gallery at Rose Apple Square, Siem Reap with your name, home country, and IG handle.
Q: More questions?
DM us or visit www.welovesiemreap.org for more information.
Prohibited Subject Matter
Any photos deemed offensive will be disqualified and removed from the contest feed. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Sexual matters
Bigotry/Hatred-related posts
Any photos that may be seen as immoral or contesting Cambodian moral laws
Other photos that go against the spirit of the competition
If you are unsure, start by asking, “would I show this to my grandmother?” If the answer is “No”, then likely it will not be eligible. This is not 100%, but it should be a good starting guideline.